Remote Selling

A few short years ago, a study from revealed that at least 70 percent of all sales calls were being conducted over the phone or the web. Today, there’s no question that the number is now 100 percent.

If you’re selling today, you’re selling virtually. But how do salespeople feel about virtual sales calls, versus in-person presentations?

Not good. According to our recent industry survey of over 500 B2B sales reps, nearly 70 percent of salespeople don’t believe that virtual selling is as effective as in-person. Sales reps say that participants tend to multi-task, there’s very little interaction, and it’s more difficult to build relationships when meetings aren’t face-to-face.

How can you overcome these challenges and continue to have conversations that win on virtual sales calls?

Much of the advice out there will tell you that you need some decent lighting and to place your camera so it’s not pointing straight up your nose.

But how much does that actually help? When you’re online, your well-lit, perfectly framed visage will be shrunk down to a tiny image in the corner of a computer screen. So you’ve really only managed to improve a very small part of the overall presentation.

In a virtual presentation, your sales deck is the most visible and visual part of your buyer’s experience. Your slides are now the focus of attention—or not, depending on how well they do the job.

To cut through the noise and win, your presentation and your delivery need to hook your audience, keep them engaged, and deliver a highly memorable message that inspires them to take action.

In this collection of science-backed resources, you’ll learn how to:

  • Grab and hold your audience’s attention with dynamic and interactive storytelling
  • Prime their brain and spike attention with high-impact imagery
  • Control the most important message you want your audience to remember
  • Involve your audience in a way that will help them retell your story long after the presentation

These skills are vital to your success in a virtual-first world. Make sure your presentation is built to win.

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