Master Digital Selling™

A Playbook Approach to Sales Process Enablement

Buyers are now doing research, forming opinions, and narrowing their options at their own pace. They’re using digital channels almost as frequently as they contact your sellers. And when they do reach out, they want and prefer virtual and digital sales interactions.

But it’s not enough to send the same in-person messages on digital channels. Buyers are digitally savvy and well informed. They’re also inundated with texts, robocalls, sales emails, and ads. So they’re harder to reach than ever before.

You can no longer expect your buyers to pick up the phone and call you with questions. You need to reach them where they are—on digital channels—but you need to do it well.


of B@B decision makeres prefer
virtual conversations or digital
serlf-service interaactions,
according to McKinsey.

the Master Digital Selling™ training program

Our neuroscience research has shown that, contrary to popular belief, virtual presentations can put buyers in a positive state of mind. We’ve also found that an effective digital engagement strategy can lead to significantly more sales opportunities with less effort.

In the Master Digital Selling™ training program, your sales reps will master the virtual and digital sales skills needed to capture attention, overcome distractions, promote buyer interaction, and make their online sales presentations engaging and memorable.

During this training course, your sales reps will learn how to create and deliver better digital interactions in two ways.

make yourself more memorable

Building a connection with buyers digitally is much harder than in-person. To succeed, you need to share helpful information, make value-based connections before you try to sell, and nurture those relationships to move them through the pipeline.

make your message more memorable

During virtual meetings, participants tend to multi-task, which results in very little interaction, making it more difficult to build relationships. To combat this, you need to adapt your delivery, using science-backed presentation techniques to build interaction and rapport.

Science-backed training for digital sales

With our Master Digital Selling™ program, your sales reps will learn science-backed selling skills and virtual presentation techniques to grab and hold your buyers’ attention, make sure they remember your most important message, and persuade them to take decisive action when you’re not there in person.

Master Digital Selling™ follows our scientifically tested training models for online, on-demand learning and ongoing Fluency Coaching to apply new competencies and promote the development of virtual sales proficiency.