Webinar Replay: Is AI Competent Enough to Coach?

Is AI competent enough to coach?

Role plays and feedback have long been a cornerstone of effective sales training, enabling sellers to hone their skills in a risk-free environment.

But traditional role play often comes with challenges for both coaches and sellers. Coordinating schedules across busy, dispersed teams can be logistically complex. The quality of coaching varies based on who’s available and how much time they have. Despite your best efforts, providing consistent, personalized feedback to every team member can feel like an impossible task.

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools present an enticing option to solve these challenges.

Is AI competent enough to provide coaching and feedback in a realistic and meaningful way? And how should you use it?

In this webinar, Dr. Carmen Simon, Chief Science Officer, and Tim Riesterer, Chief Strategy Officer, will share results of two new neuroscience studies and practical tips for using AI for sales coaching. You’ll find out how AI coaching stacks up against traditional coaching, and it might even change what you think about AI.

Specifically, you’ll see:

  • The latest neuroscience findings on using AI vs. humans for coaching and learning
  • Insights for AI development that balances the strengths of both humans and machines in business settings
  • How to easily add AI into your current coaching strategy, without sacrificing quality

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