In a recent B2B industry survey, 90 percent of companies said that their ability to win back lost customers was important to their success.

That’s no surprise in the recent economic environment. Supply chain issues have been forcing your customers to find other sources for the inventory they need. Inflation has been causing your customers to shop around for a better price. And labor shortages could have led to more service failures that pushed your customers to look elsewhere.

As companies recover from the turbulence of the last few years, those former customers represent an enticing opportunity to recoup your lost revenue—if you can win them back.

But it’s not an easy conversation to have. Eighty percent of companies believe that winning back a lost customer is at least as difficult—if not more difficult—than acquiring a new customer.

Why? Are your former customers somehow biased against your solution after they leave? Are sellers underestimating their ability to win back these lost customers?

Or are you simply using the wrong approach to address these buyers’ unique motivations?

Use these science-backed resources to win back your lost customers.

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