Our data shows that sellers who receive buyer feedback see 40 percent better win rates compared to those who don’t.

When your seller loses a deal, they most likely cite the reason as something outside of their control—a lack of product features or your price was too high. But the reasons buyers cite are very different. Buyers say that sellers present too little competitive differentiation, poor needs discovery leads to misalignment, and there’s a lack of timely response or interest in fulfilling requests.

In other words, your sellers and buyers are telling two different stories.

That’s a problem for your sales managers, who are doing everything they can to coach their teams and win more deals. When sales managers look in your CRM system, they only see the seller’s side of the story. Even conversation intelligence tools—used to record and review sales calls—don’t reveal the real reasons your buyers aren’t choosing your solution.

For all the data you have at your disposal, you still can’t read your buyer’s mind. Even when your sellers are right, that feedback doesn’t capture the context behind the buyer’s reasoning.

How can you coach your sellers if you can’t identify the right skills and techniques to address?

You need accurate data to find your sellers’ blind spots. And you need to know what skills you need to coach to fix those blind spots. That’s what you’ll learn in this collection of resources.

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